In his bestseller The Magic Of Believing,Claude M. Bristol told this
fasinating story of how a salesman used his creative visualization to
bring him success.
When I was in the investment banking business, one of the salesman, a young
chap, came into my office for advice.
"I wish you would tell me how I can overcome my fear of _______.I know I can
sell him if I can get in to see him and talk with him on his own level.As
it atands, he's got the life scared out of me and every other salesman."
The man the salesman referred to is a millionaire with a very imposing office organization. He is a portly type, with a heavy shock of hair and beetle-browed; because of his growling manner, he easily scares timid folks. However, I knew he liked people who talked up to him.
The salesman had been picturing this millionaire as he saw him and momentarily
I was puzzled, but the answer soon came and I said: 'You know he's not going
to hurt you physically. Suppose you saw him at the beach in a bathing suit, you wouldn't be afraid of him there, would you, even though he did appear to be
a pretty hairy fellow?'
'Certainly not,' replied the salesman. Then the idea of a hairy body came to
me and I asked the salesman: "Bob, did you ever see one of those clownish
dancing bears, tied to a grind organ, wearing a fez or a dunce cap? You know
they can growl, but most of them are toothless and can't bite." "Sure,"
responded the salesman."Well, you have an imagination. Just picture and
visualize our friend as one of those harmless old bears, fez, collar, and all,
and the mental hazard is gone, isn't it?"
The salesman , laughing heartily, went out. A few days later he sold the
millionaire $20,000 worth of securities, and this executive may still be
wondering how the young salesman ever got in to see him, to say nothing of
selling him. At last accounts, the young fellow was still selling this welathy millionaire.
From this story, you find that the salesman was able to use his creative visualization and the law of attraction to overcome his fear and made his
sales. You too can use this creative visualization to bring you success,
wealth and happiness in life.
Here is an article entitled "Creative Visualization And The Law of Attraction"
by Marty Varnadoe Dow.--------
“In order to use creative visualization to create what you want in
life, you must be willing and able to accept the best that life has to
offer you--your ‘good’.” Shakti Gawain
Visualization is easy to use. Like all the other tools of creation, we
use visualization every day to create our experience of reality.
Daydreaming, fantasizing, mental rehearsals, and imagination are all
examples of visualization. We have all daydreamed about an upcoming
vacation or a visit with a favorite friend. Many of us have fantasized
about winning the lottery or getting a better job.
Unfortunately, due to lack of knowledge about the power of our
images, we also often use visualization to create experiences we do
not want in our lives. We mentally rehearse our greatest fears over
and over in our minds.
Have you ever imagined how you would respond if you were robbed
or attacked, mentally rehearsed an imagined argument with your
co-worker, had a daydream about the death of a loved one, or imagined
the worst possible outcome to a situation you were experiencing?
If you answered yes to any of the above questions, you are using
the powerful force of mental imagery to create things you do not
desire in your life. Although humanity has always used some form of
mental imagery, it has only been in the last few years that the power
of visualization techniques have been taught widely in our society.
Businesses train their employees to use visualization to improve
performance and production. Coaches use visualization with athletes
because research has shown that mental rehearsal is an effective way
to increase athletic performance. Students use visualization to
improve test scores while therapists use imagery to enhance relaxation
Dieters are taught to image a thin and beautiful body. Medical
scientists have watched the power of mental imagery increase the
immune system as well as lower a person’s blood pressure and heart
rate; therefore, medical professionals often teach patients
visualization techniques to assist in their healing process.
Visualization techniques can be applied to many areas of your
life, and if you will use them to consciously create what you want to
experience, these techniques will assist you in soaring above the
Positive Visualization
The two components of an effective positive visualization
technique are a clear image of what you want to create combined with a
strong positive emotion. Mental images do not always come in the form
of a picture. Some people use words, thoughts, or sensations to create
a mental image.
You can determine what components you use to create mental images
by observing your daydreams or fantasies. Do you see clear pictures,
or do your daydreams consist of blurred images with clear thoughts?
Visualization Process
The first step in doing a positive visualization is determining
what you want to create in your life. If you do not know specifically
what it is you want to manifest in your life, you can create with
“broad brushstrokes.”
Broad brushstrokes define the general events in your life while
omitting the specific details. For instance, you may not know the
particular person you would like to have as a life partner, so you
visualize yourself in a relationship that is harmonious, joyful, and
romantic. You imagine yourself and your future partner sharing a fun
and fulfilling life. You generate the feelings of love and joy as you
create these images in your mind. Once you have created the broad
brushstrokes, you patiently wait as the God force fills in the details
of the picture you have created.
If you are certain of the specific details you want to manifest,
you can clearly imagine these events in your minds eye. There is
nothing wrong with creating something specific; however, manifestation
often comes more quickly if you leave the details of your creation to
your Higher Self.
If you need a new car, you can trust that God will bring you the
very best car possible. Visualize yourself driving a beautiful car
without seeing a particular model or color; then wait for God to
surprise you with something better than you could have imagined.
Visualization is a powerful tool of consciousness. Combine
visualization with prayer, faith, or love to assist you in soaring
above any crisis that may come your way.
Marty Varnadoe Dow, LCSW
A Spiritual Oasis of Free Inspirational Resources
Money,love,success and happiness are manifested conditions or effects of
your beliefs or cause.
You attrat money,love,success and happiness as you have first built the
equivalent of money beliefs into your subconscious mind. No doubt you need
to work toward achieving it by exchanging value added services or products.
But money,love,success and happiness would not come to you in abundance until
you believe and accept the abundant supply of money,love,success and happiness.
How to use the simple but amazing power of your mind to attract
money,love,success and happiness? You can reprogramming your subconscious mind
with self affirmation or self hypnosis software.
Use the
Affirmative Software
to build positive money,love,success and happiness beliefs is one effective way to reprogram you subconscious mind.
Success Using Creative Visualization And The Law Of Attraction
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1:44 AM
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