Power Of Intention To Create Wealth
Do you possess a magnificient obssession to attain wealth,
health and love and happiness in life? How do you
deliberately create these burning desire into reality?
Robert Anthony has discover the key to intentionally
materialise your desire goals.He called it
Rapid Manifestation.
Once you master the secrets to making things happen
intentionally and deliberately,You are on your way
to an abundant,joyful and happy life!
You are given the amazing creative power within your
subconscious mind.Using your mind power,you can make
things happen.Dream big dreams and go after them!
Once you understand the power of intention,you hold
the key to wealth, health,love and happiness beyond
your expectation! It works for the law of life is the
law of believe.If you can believe, all things are possible
to him who believe.Understand the power of intention .
Master the true secrets of deliberate creation.
The success is yours!
Rapid Manifestation
Enjoy the following insightful article!
How the Power of Intention Alters Matter
by Dr. William A. Tiller
Scientific proof that human intention raises local
symmetry in the substratum of space.
As described in Celeste Adams's interview (see The
Conscious Creation of a New Paradigm),
Dr. William A. Tiller's studies and experiments have
proven that human consciousness "changes space."
And he explains how this works in a way that's easy
for us to follow and understand.
But further ?and of importance to the subject matter
of our current issue ?he demonstrates not only that
Zero Point Energy is, for all practical purposes,
absolutely limitless, but that in it lies our future
It's not a hoax, and it's not "science fiction."
It's science fact. It's real, and it's coming soon.
Proving Scientifically that Mind Affects Matter
Dr. Tiller's experiments to demonstrate the effect of
mind over matter began by imprinting electrical
devices with a specific intention. The imprinting was
done by four experienced meditators, people who
Tiller says were "highly inner-self-managed people."
Then this device ?imprinted with the intent ?was
wrapped in aluminum and sent by overnight shipping
to a laboratory 2000 miles away, where it was placed
beside the "target experiment" and turned on.
So, for example, the electrical device might be
imprinted with the idea of raising or lowering the
pH of water. And if the device was turned on in
the vicinity of a jar of water, the expectation was
that the pH of the water would be raised or lowered,
depending upon the original intent.
In the case of that particular experiment, they were
looking for at least a full pH unit of difference,
something large enough that the results could not be
attributed to faulty measurement (it's possible to
measure 1/100th or even 1/1000th of a degree of change
in pH, so one full unit is a lot).
So the first result was that they were in fact able
to achieve an unambiguous change in the water's pH state
simply through its being in the vicinity of an electrical
device that had been imprinted with that intent.
And they were able to raise pH (or lower it, depending
upon the intent) in this way by as much as 1-1/2 full
units, a very large amount.
The Effect of Repeated Experiments
It was when the same experiment was repeated over and
over, however, that the really significant effects
began to show. For Tiller has found and proved that
when intent is repeated in the same space, eventually
it becomes permanent. And when that happens, the laws
of physics in that space no longer operate as they did
before! (For a homely but meaningful analogy, can you
remember when it was "impossible" for man to run a
four-minute mile?)
When they kept running the same experiment over and
over again, Tiller says, the laboratory began to become
"conditioned," so that the same result would happen
more strongly or more quickly. And eventually, it would
happen even after the device was no longer in the room.
"In one of the spaces that we have used," Tiller says,
"the alteration in the space of the room has remained
stable for well over a year, and it's still going strong."
(Today, if you can't run a four-minute mile they won't
let you on the track team.)
In physical terms, what does this mean? What has actually
happened to the "space" of the laboratory room?
Tiller explains, "The experimental data we gather seems
to indicate that it raises what is called the 'physics
gauge symmetry' of the room."
For example, in one experiment they would put a disk-like
DC magnet under the jar of water for three days with
the north pole up, and measure the pH. Then they
would do the same with the south pole up. They wanted
to know whether there would be a difference in pH
change in the water depending upon which pole was up.
"In a 'normal space,' which is called a U{1}-Gauge space,"
Tiller says,. . .the magnetic force is proportional to the gradient
of the square of the magnetic field. This simply means
that if you do that experiment in a "normal space,"
there will be no difference, no matter which way the
magnet is turned.
In this "conditioned space," though, we have been able
to get differences of 1-1/2 pH units depending upon
which way the magnet was turned. Very big effects.
What this basically means is that the law of physics
which says that the magnetic force is proportional
to the gradient of the square of the magnetic field
has been changed in this space! Tiller says:
The only way that can happen is if you've raised the
gauge symmetry from the U{1} Gauge to something
approximating what is called the SU{2} Gauge. With
SU{2}-Gauge symmetry, you have electric monopole and
magnetic monopole substances functioning, not magnetic
dipoles as you have in a U{1} space.
So somehow, by our procedures, we have created mixed-gauge
symmetry. We've produced some elements of SU{2}-Gauge
symmetry, because that's the only way you can get a
polarity effect.That says that we are producing
domains of order in the vacuum!
The Vacuum Contains Non-Physical "Stuff"
But isn't the vacuum a ?well, a vacuum? Like, nothing?
No, Tiller points out, actually a vacuum contains
dense energy potential. But in U{1}-Gauge symmetry,
that potential is chaotic and amorphous. It has no
basic effect on the physical universe.
But with SU{2}-Gauge symmetry, he says, there is an
ordered alteration, a change that takes place.
SU{2}-Gauge symmetry actually changes the state of
the particles that make up physical reality. And since
Tiller has shown that the order thus created in the
vacuum is based upon human intent, this shows that
we can actually harness the power of the vacuum
through our consciousness.
How Much Power Are We Talking About
Assuming that we can use experiments like this to
learn how to tap the energy of the vacuum, how much
potential is there within this "vacuum stuff"?
Again, the answer to this begins with the understanding
that the vacuum is not empty or void. It's empty
only of physical matter. However, the vacuum contains
"energy density." This is actually the central
concept of "free energy."As Tiller says:
Quantum mechanics and relativity theory are the two
prime theoretical constructs of modern physics,
and for quantum mechanics and relativity theory to be
internally self-consistent, their calculations
require that the vacuum must contain an energy
density 1094 grams per cubic centimeter.
How much energy is that? To find out, Tiller says,
you simply use Einstein's equation: e=MC2.
Here's how this comes out in practical terms. You could
take the volume of, say, a single hydrogen atom
(which is incredibly small, an infinitesimally small
fraction of a cubic centimeter), and multiply that by
the average mass density of the cosmos, a number which
is known to astronomers. And what you find out, Tiller
says, is that within the amount of vacuum contained in
this hydrogen atom there is, according to this calculation,
"almost a trillion times as much energy as in all of
the stars and all of the planets out to a radius of
20 billion light years!"
If human consciousness can interact with that even a
little bit, it can change things in matter. Because
the ground state energies of all particles have that
energy level due to their interaction with this
stuff of the vacuum. So if you can shift that stuff
of the vacuum, change its degree of order or coherence
even a little bit, you can change the ground state
energies of particles, atoms, molecules, and chemical equations.
In conclusion, despite our attachment to it and our
feeling of its solidity and persistence, what we
think of as the physical universe is an almost
incomprehensibly miniscule part of the immensity of All That Is.
Our future, Dr. Tiller is telling us, lies in harnessing
the energies that lie hidden in the spaces between the
particles, atoms, molecules, planets, stars, and galaxies
of the physical universe. . .
"Matter as we know it," Tiller concludes poetically,
"is hardly a fragrance of a whisper."
Dr. Tiller's website is at www.tiller.org.
SOURCE: Spirit of Ma'at, http://www.spiritofmaat.com/
Rapid Manifestation
How do you attract what you want into your life? What
is the true secret in the law of attraction?
There is one fundamental principle for you to attract
your desired-goal. It is your feeling.There is dynamite
and magnetic force in feeling which will attract
whatsoever you desire into your life situations.It is not
thinking,but feeling what you think about that bring
success to your desire or bring failure to what you fear.
As a man think in his heart, so is he.The heart is seat
of all emotions which really activate your inner
creative power for success.Mastering The Secret
Of Deliberate Creation Now!
Rapid Manifestation
Your Intention Power To Create Wealth
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8:21 PM
Labels: Intention Power, mindpower, subconscious mind Power
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