
Use Your Power Of Imagination For Success

Avoid the error of thinking that a good imagination is the possession solely of children and people like writers and artists. In fact, imagination is part of everyone's mental equipment and can be developed to advantage. Imagination grows by exercise, and. contrary to common belief, is more powerful in the mature than the young.

All kinds of people in the past have been imaginative. They are the creative thinkers who have given us inventions like the pulley, pump, cog-wheel, printing press, electric light bulb, radio, jet propulsion and space capsules. With your present imagination developed you might well give some similar boon to mankind, but even if you do not, you could certainly make your own life and that of your dependants happier and more exciting.

Here are a few suggestion for improving your imagination.

1.Read the first page of any children's story and then finish the stiry in your own way.
2.Listen to children at play.
3, tell stories to children-remember, anything may happen.
4.When you read or hear of events, try to see them in your mind's eyes
5.Take any commonplace object and ask yourself how it could be improved
6.Try to solve problems like reducing accidents in the home or on the roads.
7.About anythingask: What would happens if this were made shorter? Longer? Thicker? packed differently? Grouped with something else? Questions of this kind will spark off your creative imagination.

Begin applying whatever imagination you now have in the spheres of;

Your Home
Must you live where you do? Could you live in a healthier or more pleasant area? Thw world is a big place. Use your imagination--it is the first step towards action.How might you improve the inside of your present home? Think creatively. With a little effort, enthusiasm and cash, you can probably transform that? Imagine the improvements and then act.

Your Work
Can you improve your own working condition? How could you be more useful to your employer? How could time, labour, material be saved? Think creatively. If you are an employer, how could you make your staff happier and more productive? would you work well if you were in their place? Need old regulations still apply?

Your Relationships
Begin using your imagination in this important sphere. How can you reduce friction? Show yourself more friendly? In what ways could you make yourself a better husband, or wife, or parent? Think and act. Imagination can change your world.

Your Achivement
Use your imagination here. Visualize yourself being what you aspire to be, doing what you want to do. It is not enough merely to ,make up your mind. Create success images day by day. Perhaps in the past you have always painted negative pictures. that was an unwise use of your imagination. In future, positive pictures only.
Let your imagination be your friend.

Your Personality
Use imagination to help you overcome undesirable habits or tendecies. If you are reserved or bad-tempered, if you stammer or blush, see yourself free from these drawbacks. Stop brooding on past failures. Paint success pictures daily. Develop a good self-image. The secret image of yourself which you have tucked away in your mind has already been determining your behavior for years. It is this which has set limits to what you attempt and therefore to your achievement. Modify your self-image and you modify your bahaviour.

Set about formulating now a vivid and detailed picture of the person you wish to become. Cling to this image and sooner or later you will measure up to the stature your own mind has created.

How do you make money uUsing imagination and visualization?

There is tremendous powers in creative imagination and visualization.The imagination is the workshop of the soul, where are shaped all the plans for individual achievement. Your success,health, wealth and happiness will never be any bigger than your imagination makes it.

Here is an article on the Powers of the Imagination by Adrian Cooper.
Excerpt from:“Our Ultimate Reality: Life, the Universe and the Destiny of Mankind”

Imagination is one of the most powerful of all vibrations of Energy in the Universe. When considering imagination it must never be confused with mere fantasy, unreal thoughts or simply as a “figment of the imagination”, but rather as an extremely powerful, natural, God given ability that every single human being without any exception possesses.

Within the inner spheres of reality, as everyone will discover very soon after passing on from the physical world, everything desired is brought into instant manifestation by the use of will, intent and the power of imagination. Thoughts take shape instantly and the more power and emotion projected into thoughts, the more real they become and the longer they will remain.

Thoughts are vibration, manifestations of Energy, and most thoughts are transient, that is to say they appear, linger for a time depending on the Energy involved and then fade away again. To create something more permanent in the Astral worlds requires use of the imagination with as much will, intent and focus as possible. This however is often an entirely natural process requiring no particular effort; it is quite literally as natural as thinking.

By constantly making use of and thinking about a particular desire, for example a home, the more solid and real it will become and the longer it will persist. Creations of the type utilised by many people within the Astral worlds, consensus creations of perhaps thousands or even millions of people, can potentially last for infinity, such creations being the products of collective thoughts and beliefs projected in the same direction and focus by many people.

Within the Astral worlds, often known as “the beyond” or “the afterlife” where people transition after the process erroneously known as “death”, there are vast areas of Energy comprising just about every type of environment; all consensus creations of numerous people from the past, present and future relative to temporal concept of Earth “time”. These creations are the result of vast collective, consensual Energy configurations that are continually being influenced by Mind, and which Energy therefore endures under that consensual Mind influence almost ad-infinitum.

Many Astral locales including entire cities are inhabited by very large numbers of Astral residents, all continuously influencing the same creative Energy, and thus giving these Astral locales their permanency. As mentioned previously, the mid-Astral worlds to which people are attracted after the transition from the physical world in accordance with the Energy characteristic of the individual Astral and Mental body, the Soul and Spirit, are almost identical to the physical world, so much so that many people do not immediately know they have actually passed on. This is because the people of the Astral worlds model the Astral worlds based upon their own specific experiences and perception of the physical world they have just left, and how they “imagine” it should be. People at that level of evolution on the path often believe that “reality” is represented by material things just as they did on Earth, and accordingly use their powers of the imagination to reproduce that same habitat and perception within the Astral worlds, thereby creating that reality for themselves with which they feel the most comfortable.

On an individual level therefore a person might create his ideal home, whereas large numbers of people within the Astral at a consensual level will imagine larger scale constructions such as villages, towns and cities, just as they were used to in physical life. This applies to all Energy levels of the Astral planes, each level, from the darkest, “hell” like levels to the highest most blissful levels all being a perfect reflection of the vibration of the Soul and Spirit of the people living there, and also their own perception of what “life” should be like in their own reality. This is why, like the physical worlds, the Astral worlds are ephemeral, transient projections created by the Mind of humans, all of which are destined to progress and transcend that illusion on the path to the glories, splendours and bliss of the Spirit worlds, pure Mind worlds where the perception of form simply does not exist and does not need to exist. The reality and glories of the Spirit worlds are far greater than the temporal physical world or the ephemeral Astral worlds, as everyone will discover as they progress and evolve along the sacred path of perfection back to The Source, The First Cause, God.

The Astral worlds are vast, varied and complex, consisting of an infinite number of realms from the earthly equivalent of past present and future, many of which have been created by beings not of the Earth, but all of which have been created by the very same vibrations, creative Energy of the power of thought, the creative power of the imagination.

As we already know, the entire Ether of Universe consists of vibration, which is Energy. Thoughts, emotions and powers of the imagination are therefore also degrees of vibration of the same Energy. Keep in Mind that Energy cannot be created or destroyed it can only be influenced. It is the interaction and influence of Energy by Mind that results in the manifestation of the objects that are the focus of and are therefore influenced by the imagination in accordance with Universal laws, and in particular The Law of Attraction. Exactly the same laws also apply to manifestation into the physical world. Before anything at all can manifest as a reality into the physical world it must first be preceded by thought, a very powerful characteristic of which is imagination.

This is very often a subconscious process whereby for example the preparation of a meal is preceded by first imagining what the meal will include, how it should taste, how the meal will be prepared, where the ingredients will be obtained from and finally how it will be presented on the table. This is simply a very basic example whereby an act of creation commenced with the process of imagination is subsequently followed up with direct physical actions in the same direction in order to manifest the original object of the imagination into observable physical reality.

Manifestation can however equally be brought about without the need for any associated direct physical actions at all, exactly the same laws of creation applying to the inner spheres of the Universe also equally applying to the physical world, again in accordance with The Laws of Attraction and Correspondence in particular; “as above, so below”. Just as anything can be created within the inner spheres entirely by means of the powers of imagination, so too can manifestation take place into the physical world by virtue of the same Universal laws, without even the need for any preceding direct physical action.

The physical world however is very dense and of a much lower vibration than the inner Mind worlds of the Astral and Mental spheres, and therefore more Energy, concentration and focus is required in order to bring about a manifestation observable in the physical world. Many people will have heard of “Magic”. We should note straightaway however that by true Magic as practiced from time immemorial we do not mean the stage illusionists, prestidigitators, conjurors and other such people from the areas of stage entertainment, but rather Magic in its very truest, very highest and most sacred form. Magic is in reality a sacred science, the word “Magic” originating from the “Magi” who fully understood and applied natural Universal laws in order to bring about effect that many might consider to be miraculous.

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One of the most important aspects of successful manifestation is highly focussed and concentrated Energy in the form of thought or imagination. Indeed, the more Energy behind a manifestation the sooner it can materialise into the physical world as an observable reality.

Finally a word of caution; all your thoughts, imaginations and creative visualisations must only be for the purposes of good, either for yourself or for other people. Never, ever be tempted to use these powers to harm another person. If you do, the Universal law of Cause and Effect, of which karma is an integral aspect will most surely operate against you, and either in this or a future life you will have to pay the price. This is not intended to be a system of punishment as such as with a court of law. The simple fact of the matter is that every cause has its corresponding effect, positive, negative or neutral, and karma is no more than the causation of the Law of Attraction that ensure that no being can be the cause of anything negative without experiencing the corresponding effect. Note that we use the word “experiencing” rather than “suffering”. Everyone is here to experience and to evolve and not to suffer which is a human construct based on a perception relative to self and the ego. The Universe operates under the influence of the most powerful force in the Universe, Unconditional Love, and that applies to every aspect of human evolution, and indeed the evolution of the entire Universe and all Beings, all expressions of God.

Providing always that your thoughts, intentions, Energy, imaginations and creative visualisations are always only for the purposes of good and for genuine needs, and not based in greed, in other words will not bring harm to others in the process, only good will surely result, and your needs and desires will be fulfilled without karmic consequences.
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How do you use your powers of imagination to attract what you want into your life? What is the true secret in the law of attraction?
There is one fundamental principle for you to attract your desired-goal. It is your feeling.Ther is dynamite and magnetic force in feeling which will attract whatsoever you desire into your life situations.It is not thinking,but feeling what you think about that bring success to your desire or bring failure to what you fear.

As a man think in his heart, so is he.The heart is seat of all emotions which really activate your inner creative power for success.

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